Articles & Papers

Fabio Masini
Time for a Next Generation Africa
Centro Studi sul Federalismo, November 2021

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Tommaso Manfè
Russia: Exchange Rate Management and De-Dollarisation
Robert Triffin International - Prometeia Associazione, January 2021

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Elena Flor
Monetary Aspects of the African Continental Free Trade Area
Robert Triffin International - Centro Studi sul Federalismo, 2020 (book chapter)

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Christian Ghymers
The Emerging Revolution of Digital Currencies:
a Technological Opportunity for Rebalancing the International Monetary System

Robert Triffin International - Centro Studi sul Federalismo, July 2020

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de Rambures, Dominique - Iozzo, Alfonso - Viterbo, Annamaria
A Safety Net for Africa: Towards an African Monetary Fund? 
Robert Triffin International - Centro Studi sul Federalismo, June 2020

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Managing Global Liquidity as a Global Public Good - A Report of an RTI Working Party
Chaired by Bernard Snoy
Rapporteurs André Icard and Philip Turner
Robert Triffin International - Centro Studi sul Federalismo, December 2019

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Campanella, Miriam L.
Far-Reaching Consequences of U.S. Financial Sanctions. The Dollar Shortage and the "Triffin Moment"
Robert Triffin International - Centro Studi sul Federalismo, June 2019

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de Rambures, Dominique
Kazakhstan Financial Markets and the Development of  SDR Denominated Financial Products
Robert Triffin International, Centro Studi sul Federalismo, January 2019

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Campanella, Miriam L.
The Changing Geography of Finance.Shifting Financial Flows and New Hubs: Shanghai and Paris?
Robert Triffin International, Centro Studi sul Federalismo, March 2018

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Tosolini, Valentina
The Triffin Dilemma on a Russian Perspective. The Fixing of Oil Price: Dollar, Euro, Ruble or SDR
Robert Triffin International, Centro Studi sul Federalismo, November 2017

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Buti, Marco
The New Global Economic Governance: Can Europe Help Win the Peace?
Robert Triffin International, Centro Studi sul Federalismo, July 2017

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Tosolini, Valentina
Analysing Commodity Prices: Trend for Crude Oil and Wheat in US Dollars, Euro and SDR
Robert Triffin International, Centro Studi sul Federalismo, January 2017

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Elena Flor, Secretary General RTI
The Re-Launch of SDR denominated Assets
The Federalist Debate, Year XXIX, Number 3, November 2016.

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Icard, André
Faire du DTS le principal actif de reserve international
Robert Triffin International, Juin 2015

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Iozzo, Alfonso; Flor, Elena; Tosolini, Valentina
The ECU and the SDR: Learning from the Past, Preparing the Future
Robert Triffin International and Centro Studi sul Federalismo
November 2014

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Using the Special Drawing Rights as a Lever to Reform the International Monetary System - Report of an SDR Working Party
(also available as the The Federalist Debate Papers No. 1- Supplement to The Federalist Debate No. 2, July 2014, Year XXVII)

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The Ghost of Bancor: The Economic Crisis and the Global Monetary Disorder
Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa
Louvain-la-Neuve, 25 February 2010

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