Elena Flor
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Jérôme Wilson
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À la recherche d’un nouvel ordre monétaire mondial / In Search of a New World Monetary Order
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Catherine Ferrant, Jean Sloover, Michel Dumoulin and Olivier Lefebvre
Robert Triffin, conseiller des princes. Souvenirs et documents
Brussels P.I.E. Peter Lang, 2010
Vincent Dujardin, Yves De Cordt, Rafael Costa, Virginie de Moriamé
La crise économique et financière de 2008-2009. L’entrée dans le 21e siècle?
Brussels P.I.E. Peter Lang, 2010
Clément Vaneecloo, Augusta Badriotti, Margherita Fornasini
Fiscal Federalism in the European Union and Its Countries. A Confrontation between Theories and Facts
Brussels P.I.E. Peter Lang, 2006
Alexandre Lamfalussy, Bernard Snoy, Jérôme Jonathan Wilson
Fragility of the International Financial System. How Can we Prevent New Crises in Emerging Markets?
Brussels P.I.E. Peter Lang, 2001