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- Home
- About
- Robert Triffin
- Activities
- Chronology
- Triffin Lectures
- The Ghost of Bancor: The Economic Crisis and the Global Monetary Disorder
- Lâcher l’euro pour sauver l’Europe: un leurre
- Treize ans à la tête du FMI
- Reforming the International Monetary Non-System
- The New Global Economic Governance. Can Europe Help Win the Peace?
- What role for the Special Drawing Rights (SDRs)?
- The International Role of the Euro and Its Implications for Global Economic Governance
- Conferences
- The International Monetary System: sustainability and reform proposals
- The International Monetary System 70 years after Bretton Woods - The role of the SDR
- Flussi e centri finanziari: una nuova geografia mondiale?
- A New Global Liquidity Crunch?
- Il ruolo internazionale dell'euro
- Financial Crisis, Equity, Democracy and Climate Change: Challenges and Proposals
- Il ruolo internazionale dell'€uro. Perché è un problema (alla portata) di tutti
- Triffin Chair
- Publications
- Articles & Papers
- The Ghost of Bancor: The Economic Crisis and the Global Monetary Disorder
- Using the Special Drawing Rights as a Lever to Reform the International Monetary System
- The ECU and the SDR: Learning from the Past, Preparing the Future
- Faire du DTS le principal actif de réserve international
- Towards a New International Monetary Order
- The Re-Launch of SDR denominated Assets
- Reforming the International Monetary Non-System. An Ocampo’s Lecture.
- Analysing Commodity Prices: Trend for Crude Oil and Wheat in US Dollars, Euro and SDR
- The New Global Economic Governance: Can Europe Help Win the Peace?
- The Triffin Dilemma on a Russian Perspective. The Fixing of Oil Price: Dollar, Euro, Ruble or SDR
- The Changing Geography of Finance. Shifting Financial Flows and New Hubs: Shanghai and Paris?
- Kazakhstan Financial Markets and the Development of SDR Denominated Financial Products
- Far-Reaching Consequences of U.S. Financial Sanctions. The Dollar Shortage and the “Triffin Moment”
- Managing Global Liquidity as a Global Public Good - A Report of an RTI Working Party
- A Safety Net for Africa: Towards an African Monetary Fund?
- The Emerging Revolution of Digital Currencies: a Technological Opportunity for Rebalancing the International Monetary System
- Monetary Aspects of the African Continental Free Trade Area
- Russia: Exchange Rate Management and De-Dollarisation
- Time for a Next Generation Africa
- Books
- Fragility of the International Financial System. How Can we Prevent New Crises in Emerging Markets?
- Fiscal Federalism in the European Union and Its Countries. A Confrontation between Theories and Facts
- La crise économique et financière de 2008-2009. L’entrée dans le 21e siècle?
- Robert Triffin, conseiller des princes. Souvenirs et documents
- À la recherche d’un nouvel ordre monétaire mondial / In Search of a New World Monetary Order
- Milieux académiques et cénacles économiques internationaux (1935-1951)
- SDR: from Bretton Woods to a world currency
- Robert Triffin: a Life
- Presentations
- Articles & Papers
- Global Liquidity